J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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My loaner chair came today - mine is stuck in a warehouse awaiting a new computer system to start working, so the kind folks at the European Seating store in Franklin offered to bring me a loaner. I spent the afternoon happily ensconced in my office, and managed 2200 words. I've had to readjust my deadline on this book -- I thought I was going to be done by January 15, but I won't make it, I don't think. So I backed it up to January 20 - it gives me a wee bit of breathing room, and I know I won't get work done Saturday, whilst teaching, or probably Sunday, unless the gods divine a way for me to work in the car. 

So we'll see.

Had one of those lovely transcendental moments today, too. I was taking a break and moving some things off the bookshelves into the curio cabinet, and I was reliving my past through the gifts and treasures that went into the new cabinet. My fetish collection, (bears, my fetish is a bear) Raku bowls and boomerangs, a crystal butterfly, Limoges boxes. Each tells a story, has its own history. Special pieces that wouldn't mean anything to anyone but me, which is what makes them even more precious.

And then I looked at the bookshelves, at all my books, still populated with the wedding photos of my grandparents and parents and us. Looked at the collections from heroes, dime store paperbacks, books I've still to read, and realized that somehow, along this path called my life, I became what I admire most in the world -- a writer. 

Choked me right up. 

Sometimes, we need to stop and say a graceful prayer of thanks for all we've been given in this world. I know I did today.

Sweet dreams.