J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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1800 today, and it's time to take a break and see what's what in terms of what's done and what still need to happen in the story. Having this great outline we developed is a true blessing, but now I need to compare what's on the page to what's in my head and match the two together. And then I've have a clear path to the end, and I think - think! - I will be there at this time next week. I can see the end, but so much still needs to happen, so we'll see. 

Off to Manchester in the morning for their annual Writer's Day - will be signing from 10-1, then it's back home to dive in again. I normally would never agree to do events during deadline, but someone (ahem) thought she'd be all done by Christmas and only editing at this stage, so said someone blew it is.

It is time to disappear into the story, though, so if I'm largely absent for the next few weeks, that's why.

Sweet dreams!