J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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1600 words today, after some realigning and really fun research. I'm beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel, though there is still much work to be done. But those small little details that tie threads together are beginning to make themselves knows, always a good sign.

The class I taught over the weekend was wonderful. Sometimes it's a great refresher for the teacher, as well as good information for the students. This was a jumpstart class, so over the nine hours they did quite a bit of writing -- and so did I. 2300 on Saturday, in snatches of five minutes here, five minutes there. It was fun, and I think I may have even helped, so all in all, a weekend well-spent.

Poor DH has been laid low with a rebound cold that sounds suspiciously like bronchitis, so he's pumped full of drugs and is being plied with cups of Jewish penicillin. To whit, I'm off to shove some more down his sorry sore throat.

Sweet dreams!