J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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Net 1K today, and now I've got 8 chapters revised out of the 25 I needed to fix. Had a horrible time getting started this morning -- up too late last night, I suspect, so tonight I'll be crashing early. And I had such grand plans for the day, too. 

Net, you notice, which means I had to delete some stuff. I do so despise deleting, but sometimes, you have to, especially when it benefits the story. The story is King, Queen and Executioner in my life, and what I took out today certainly gave what I was trying to do have greater impact. I tucked it away, I will be able to use part of it later.

And of course, as I type this, it hits me exactly where I can use those words, and so I jumped over to the manuscript and put them back in. They'll need to be edited, but -- hurrah! Word count is doubled for the day!

Had the awful pleasure of needing to buy a new chair for my office - my lovely chair has bit the ghost, all the lumbar support is gone. I decided to get myself a good chair. A really good chair. I don't write at a desk, I much prefer my laptop in my lap and my legs up -- it puts the least pressure on my back. I've been looking around half-heartedly, knowing exactly which brand I should go with, hoping something else will capture my fancy. I nearly bought one out in Cali that CC and I found, but talked myself out of it -- the fabric was twill, and the kittens would like that a little too much. Leather is much less likely to impel scratching.

So to the Ekornes store I went. I found the perfect chair, one that's long enough in the seat to accommodate my legs, both straight and folded under me, and tall enough in the back to support my head, and worked out a decent deal, and it should arrive for the new year. I very nearly purchased the purple floor model, but I didn't get a price break on it, so went ahead with the black. I love purple, I do, but I can only imagine ten years down the road, deciding I hate purple and loathing the poor beast.

So in the meantime, Randy will have to put up with me parked in his chair. Sorry, darling!

Have so many things to talk about, will have to save them for later in the week. So I leave you, for now, with ...

Sweet dreams!