J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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Bleary eyed after a long day. We have plotted, and revised, and cooked up all sorts of fabulous things. But my brain is broken now, and I can hardly think straight. I have visions of Nicholas Drummond dancing through my head - not that I'm complaining, Nicholas is really rather divine - and boy, how, does he get himself into it this time.

Must find a better way of keeping notes, I have scraps of paper and new pages in Scrivener and notes in the chapter documents and my spreadsheet/chessboard has grown into a behemoth. Tomorrow I may try for a simple notebook. The problem is I type faster than I write. I wish we could videotape a brainstorming session, it is fun as all get out.

Also went to the High Cholesterol Factory for lunch, and a little bit of retail therapy to wake us up. California has the cutest clothes, slightly different than Nashville's selection, so I always come home with a few new goodies. Bought an adorable dress at Anthropologie. I'm in love with that store. 

Hear tell there's a big big winter storm winging its way toward Nashville. Send a prayer to the weather gods that I get home Friday evening before it hits.  

Sweet dreams!