J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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Safe and sound in sunny, albeit chilly, Northern California. We had a headwind on the flight out which added an extra hour to the flight, but that was a good thing. I'm telling you, no Internet = enhanced productivity. Hands down. I'm wondering if I should have Randy take my router to work with him in the morning. Yes, I wouldn't be able to research, but I'd also not be able to futz around.

Had an interesting idea for how to manage the plot of the new book. Spent a large portion of the flight pulling it together, and I was surprised by how well the method worked. Once I've given it some real thought, and if it still makes sense to me, I may be able to use it to teach in January at the Tennessee Mountain Writers' January Jumpstart. Last time I taught there, I ended up writing the opening and a huge chunk of the plot for THE COLD ROOM - oh yes, my pretties, if you're taking a class from me, you are expected to WRITE! 

Catherine made sure I was properly fed and watered (had a lovely Langhe Nebbiolo, a Piedmonte grape which is so luscious!) But I miss the kitties and my man, and we have a long work day tomorrow, so I'm headed to bed.

Sweet dreams to you!