J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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Back to work today, part time, at least. 624 words, plus a walk on the beach in a gale and a run out to see American Hustle, which I thought was excellent. A lot of really different performances from some fabulous actors. I predict several Oscar noms for this one.

Knocked a few things off the to do list, and packaged up Christmas to ship home. Tomorrow we are supposed to golf, but it's looking like it might rain, so if it does, I'll snatch that time to work some more. Sucks having to work over the holiday, but I know I'm not the only one, and I'm finding time to visit with the family, and eat, and eat, and eat. The kittens have acquitted themselves so well. They are going to be bored when we go home.

It was a fitness Christmas. New sneakers, running tights, yoga stuff, an Aria Fitbit scale, and the pinnacle, a recumbent bike. I am creating a yoga studio in my spare bedroom, and I can't wait to set up the bike and read while I pedal. 2014 is the year I get back into good shape. I lost ten pounds this year, but I want to lose more. So happy my whole family came together on this for me. I feel like everyone wants to see me meet these goals, which is half the battle. I also got a compound bow - I plan to play Katniss in the backyard! Totally stoked about my fun, healthy holiday.

Off to read. Sweet dreams!