J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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And so it is Christmas... and it is finally done! Randy is on the way to the post office to mail our family cards, the presents have been wrapped and shipped. Now I have to set the house to rights, and prepare the girls for their trip - over the river and through the woods, to grandmother's house we go.

But there is news. We have a new title for the second Brit in the FBI novel - drumroll please......


You have no idea how perfect this title is - I don't often do literal titles, but this series really lends itself. And that's all the hint you're going to get out of me. 

I've only gotten about 1000 words down in the past two days, and I promised myself I wouldn't freak out about it. There's a lot of holiday merry making that needs to happen over the next few days, and while I'll have some quiet time to work, enforced by locked doors and such, I am also going to enjoy being with my family.

Plus I need to do my year end wrap up, and set up my new planner for 2014 -- I am digital all the way, but I still use a paper planner for weekly to dos and mapping out travel and conferences. And there's the class I'm teaching that news to be addressed - I have a loose plan, but it needs some polishing. And I have so much to read, I'm suffocating under it. Lots to do over the holiday. 

I'm looking forward to the year in review - setting my goals and such. Which reminds me I need to pack that notebook...

Sweet dreams!