J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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December is whittling itself away. Time always flies, but why is it the holidays seem to go so much faster than the rest of the year? Is it the short days and long nights? Perhaps. I'm just not ready for December to only have two weeks left. And where is my snow, people? It's simply cruel to have such cold air and no snow.

1640 fiction words today, plus 1200 non-fiction. I have caught up to where I was before I went to California. I thought this revision would take a week, and I was right, though yesterday was lost to the vagaries of Christmas, and a road trip, which was protracted but fun, and by the time we got home, there was no work to be done, only couch laying and book reading and fire watching and kitten petting, so it doesn't count.

But today was good, solid words, and tomorrow, at last, I can start moving forward again. Two weeks lost to travel and revision - but it will make the real revision and editing process so much easier, so I count it as time well spent. I am at the halfway point, and need my first draft done by January 15 and will certainly take a few days off around Christmas, so there are a lot of long days ahead. Plus, we're looking for a new title. The powers that be felt YARD OF GRAVES sounded too historical, so it's back to the drawing board. I sent CC 25 titles this afternoon, we'll see if any strike her fancy. But ugh, and grr. I love that title. Murder your darlings, right?

 I'm also getting excited to do my annual review. I started glancing at word counts, and I might make my 300K goal. But even if I don't, I've laid down a TON of fiction words. Which is a happy thing.

Off to wrap the out of town gifts - Sweet dreams!




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