J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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Friday the 13th, always a good day. 1600 net, and I realized that in the revising of these first 25 chapters, I've added five already. Which made me feel better because the numbers in the Binder haven't changed, and it seems to be getting longer and longer.... I do love Nicholas Drummond, he's just such a stud. Always has an answer, always knows the best thing to do. Oh, to have that level of confidence. He's fun to write, even when he's at a disadvantage.

Had a marketing call on WHEN SHADOWS FALL this afternoon, there's lots of good stuff ahead. This is Sam Owens #3, my very first hardcover, and I'm telling you, you're in for a ride. Sam was always a favorite for me in the Taylor books, and she's really come into her own in this new book. You'll be happy to see her sassiness reasserting itself. I was happy to see her reasserting herself. We can only grieve for so long before the need to get on with life interrupts us, you know? 

I should have the final cover next week (my name is going to be in FOIL, people!)  and I need to start sharing the link to the book and working on the pre-orders. This is the only part of writing I don't enjoy - blatant self-promotion. I don't know of any author who does, really. But it is a necessary evil, and so: 



Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Books-a-Million / iBooks / Kobo Walmart / Target

IndieBound / East Side Story / Mysteries and More / Parnassus  / Reading Rock

There. Shouted from the mountaintops. This is clearly just a sampling of places you can buy SHADOWS - it would mean the world to me if you would march into your favorite independent bookstore and ask them to order it - at least three copies - one for you, one for a friend and one for the store. If every one of you who read this blog do this, and tell a friend about the book and ask them to pre-order it, all sorts of Christmas magic will rain down upon you. In the form of more words. From me. Isn't that a bargain???

Working weekend ahead -- time to make a Manhattan, have a slice of pizza and call it a night.

Sweet dreams!