J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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It was a day in which we discovered the diversity of almond milk. I've developed a decent case of lactose intolerance, and so have had to remove all dairy (except cheese) from my diet. Normally this isn't an issue; I've even weaned myself off my favorite fat free half and half in my tea. But my parents are coffee drinkers -- amusing in its own way, as I have to dig out the coffee pot and find the frozen coffee ground and filters when they come -- and my dad likes vanilla creamer in his morning joe.

And I forgot to get milk. With so much craziness this week, a lot of things have fallen through the cracks.  But lo, in the fridge, we did find vanilla almond milk. Daddy put it in his coffee and loved it, and bam, the morning was saved. 

Today was also early thanksgiving. The kittenish minions were given a second room to explore, and I cooked all the usuals: turkey, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, sausage cornbread stuffing, pecan and pumpkin pies. Only, of course, again, no milk. Derp.

Guess what else is good with almond milk? Mashed potatoes! I was afraid it would be too sweet, but they were delicious. Who knew?

Work tomorrow, then we're going to see Ender's Game - hurrah! I adored the book, I can't wait to see what they've done with the film. 

Off to eat pie, sweet dreams!