J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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Thanksgiving week. A time for gratitude attitude on steroids.

I'm feeling especially blessed today. We've already had some snow, which makes me incredibly happy. My parents came up at the beginning of the month and we had an early Thanksgiving, which was so lovely, so fun. I have two new babies, who are giving me more joy than I can handle. I have brilliant, beautiful and courageous friends, and a husband I completely adore. We are all healthy and happy, pursuing our dreams, and just so damn lucky to be who we are, when we are.

I had a dentist appointment today, and the girls had to go to the vet to get their shots (They did so good! My brave little bunnies) so all I had a chance to do was workout, and edit a bit, and think, and rework. There's going to be more snow tonight - sticking snow - so I've made a fire, and we're having a nice chicken pot pie, and tomorrow, I will sit down with my tea and get some words down. Then Thursday is food with the family, so another day off,  then I'm working all weekend. I'm starting to get into deadline mode on this book - I wanted a draft done by Christmas, though I don't think that will happen. But I can try. I can try.

And for this gift, I am so incredibly grateful. 

What are you grateful for?

Sweet dreams!