J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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Speaking of passion... there's a complementary action called being in the groove, when you let the words flow and don't check them, just let the story evolve from your fingers, with no idea of where you're headed, and where you may end up. I love days like this, when something happens you don't expect, and suddenly you're racing along, breath tight in your chest, fingers flying on the keys, and the story is unfurling before you. 

It might last five minutes, or five hours, or five days, but when it happens, it is a beautiful, beautiful thing.

I had one of those moments today. 2400 words total, which is good, but the last 1000 of them were in the last fifteen minutes of my writing day. It was an action scene, which are always fun to write, and something so unexpected happened it took MY breath away. Who knows if this will make the final book, but for the moment, I close my laptop with a feeling of exultation, my adrenaline still running high, my heartbeat racing. What will tomorrow bring?

Only the shadow knows...

Sweet dreams!