J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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Good day today. Figured out a few major plot points that were holding me back, reworked the beginning a bit, had one brilliant brainstorm, and wrote wrote wrote. I was surprised the word count was only 2200, I felt like I did more, but I guess fleshing things out gives the same sense of accomplishment as a huge word count. But I crossed the 20K mark, and that's one of my thresholds. It means I have over 100 manuscript pages, and we call that a Very Big Deal. So I go into my weekend a happy camper.

Though I'm only writing one book right now, I feel like I'm juggling quite a bit. Which of course, I am, but most are for projects coming soon, so they really need to be back-burnered whilst I'm cooking on YARD OF GRAVES. I don't know, perhaps my mind can't be composed for one thing at a time, even though I certainly can't write two things at a once. I've switched back to Wunderlist, and I'm happily creating to do lists and planning things out there, so that helps. 

The kittens and I have reached a state of detente. The have figured out how to place themselves strategically around my neck and on my shoulders so my lap is free for the laptop and my hands free to type. And if I have to get up, they go onto their coordinating blanket for a snooze. This might just work.

Lots of work ahed this weekend, and some good books to read, too. Refill the well. You refill yours too.

Sweet dreams.