J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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I've always loved haystacks. Probably a leftover from growing up in Colorado, and a lingering fascination with Van Gogh. I love that Tennessee has long, open fields with giant rolls of hay. And at sunset, driving by the green fields with their yellow haystacks, the sun dipping into the horizon, casting the gloaming mists -- I'm telling you, it's worth taking a drive to see. I was lucky enough to get caught in traffic on one such road this evening, and it was glorious.

Lots done today, some with the secret project, some on SHADOWS, which I now have back in its final form before it goes to print. One last chance to make sure everything is in agreement, makes sense, and there are no typos. Which we all know is futile; typos breed. But I'll do my best. We had a whopper in THE FINAL CUT, one of those head-smackers that was so egregious, we have no idea how it passed the censors. But it did, and I feel so silly. Alas.

Great yin yoga session with my beloved guru this afternoon. There was a discussion of the Buddhist concept of suffering, one I'm quite interested in. At its most basic, life is life. There are ups and downs. Bad things happen - it's inevitable. There is death, and illness. Things don't go our way. How we choose to deal with those inevitabilities is what suffering is about. We don't have to suffer. We can accept the inevitable and not turn into drama lamas. It's a fun concept, one I've been interested in for a long time now.  

Which made me wonder if it's just my temperament that attracts me to Buddhism. I am at heart a happy person. Happy because I choose to be. Happy because it feels better to be happy than it does to feel sad. I think my happiness is sometimes mistaken for extroversion, which is another interesting concept I need to meditate on. I feel like I am a classic introvert, but no one who meets me ever believes that. Something to think about.

Packing tonight. Which means I have to run, and fold about a thousand loads of clothes. But really quick, we went to see Queens of the Stone Age last night, and it was a wonderful concert. Loved it. Josh Homme is dead sexy, and the band was tight. Want a modern day American rocker, tattooed, smoking version of Jamie Fraser? Josh Homme's your guy. 

Sweet dreams!