J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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Chicken soup for dinner, and a writer brunch to start the day - these are the kinds of bookends I love!  One of the cool things about Nashville is the writers. We have them in every genre, every level, and there's a huge camaraderie amongst us. Today I got to meet with a bunch of our awesome YA writers, and meet one I've been fangirl stalking from afar, and I'm telling you, their enthusiasm for their work is contagious. I'd love to write a YA. *twists evil mustache evilly*

I was girl, interrupted today with a number of issues, so it's back to work on the book tomorrow. I love waking in the morning with a solid idea of a scene in my mind - the characters are starting to speak to me. It's interesting, how books go at their own pace. You can beg and plead, pray, burn incense at the Muse's altar, bang your head against the wall, take long walks, read inspiring books, but if your novel isn't ready to party, it's just not ready.

Possible kitten news tomorrow or Wednesday - we've got a litter of babies due at the shelter, so I'll let you know what we find. I did see an adorable tabby on Saturday, but she didn't seem that into us. I feel like there needs to be a connection. Of course, I haven't been able to stop thinking about her, so maybe there was more than I knew. Hmm...

Sweet dreams!