J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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A good Friday - 1500+ words, a brief compile to see there's actually over 50 pages, though many are just brief outline, but still, there seems to be a nascent book here. Finding the places where everyone lived was a big boon - if I can imagine characters in their own homes, I can get a sense for their lives, their thoughts, their actions and reactions. Pleased with how everything floated together today.

And did spend some time looking at kittens online. I may try to drag Randy to the shelter and see if there's a little one who wants to come home with us. I'm scared, yes -- there will never be another cat I cleave to like I did Thrillercat -- but I'm missing having something soft and cuddly in my lap. So it's time. I thought perhaps God would leave a kitten on our doorstep, stork-like, but it hasn't happened, so I will have to brave the cages. I'm already anxious - seeing animals behind bars without someone to love them pains me to an extent that's beyond reason. 

Went for a brief walk at lunch. October in Tennessee is spectacular: skies so blue they make your eyes hurt, without cloud or breeze, just the crisp air and azure as far as the eye can see. Which here, isn't very far, but hey, I'll take it. If I can stay awake past 8:00 p.m., we might even have the first fire of the season. 

Sweet dreams!