J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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1200 words today. Actual, quantifiable progress. I'm still not happy with them, but they're there. As I always say, you can't edit a blank page. I stopped early because I'm trying to train myself into a new writing schedule so I don't spend all day sitting in my chair staring at the screen.

This new schedule includes getting up earlier, working in the mornings, and stopping my writing day at 3:30 or so. Which leaves me some time in the afternoons to exercise, and read. I'm seeking a better life balance. I got myself way out of whack over the past several months, with frenetic 12 hour days trying to meet multiple deadlines and weeks at a time on the road. No more of that.  

I started reading Dani Shapiro's STILL WRITING at lunch today. I adore her style, her words, her perspective, her stories. Reading her blog is always like a breath of fresh air to me--she has a beautiful life perspective, yes, but is also a very quiet writer. What do I mean by that? She writes with great impact without drawing a great deal of attention to herself. When she speaks, I listen. She doesn't seem to waste any words; everything is purposeful, remarkable, meaningful. In short, she does something I can't, and so I respect her greatly. If I ever decided to write a memoir, she's the first place I'd go.

Sweet dreams!