J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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Second to the last night, and we are firmly ensconced on a leather couch in front of a fire in a lovely hotel in Portree, Isle of Skye. This is a beautiful little town, nestled off the Minch, a fishing village surrounded by towering mountains. So glad we had a chance to come up here; it's simply gorgeous. And we hit the Talisker distillery today. Talisker is the very first Scotch I ever tasted that I liked. So it was awesome to see it firsthand. 

Happy and tired and full of salmon and wine, and it's time to snug down and read for a bit. I have been honored with the chance to read a manuscript for a very talented friend, and honestly, I'm cutting this short so if can get back into the story. It is fantastic, and when it gets published I will let you know so you can rush out and buy it.

As I was told this afternoon, slàinte!!