J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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Six days in, and I had to take the morning off. I read, I thought. Enjoyed some quiet me time whilst poor DH dealt with getting the  new lights on the car. Sadly, it needs a brake job, so we will be spending the last few days of the trip in a new car. The i800 has done right by us for the most part; I'm slightly sorry to see him go. 

Loch Ness today. It was blustery and cloudy, perfect for a mysterious sail. We broke out the new camera, took some lovely shots (Guess what?  The new DSLR cameras are rather easy to manage. I didn't need any lessons!) bought tons of goodies at the gift shop, then took the family to the ancestral home, Tulloch Castle. The McBeans married it out to the Davidsons after the second Jacobite uprising, so it's more Davidson oriented, of course, but we were able to see much more than last time. Namely because I was prepared. Because Tulloch, you see, is very haunted.

Last time, we saw ghosts in the windows and heard the walls screaming. Today there was only a strange sense of things, and one minor sighting--we were walking through the lobby, and I saw a man sitting by the fire. When I glanced back at him, there was no one there. Soooooooooo....... But we ate a yummy bangers and mash and steak and ale pie dinner in the Green Lady bar, and on our way home, I had one of those awesome blinding light epiphanies about the new book. So I'm off to write. Cheers!