J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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I’m somewhere over Toronto right now, and the plane doesn’t have wifi, which is a bit of a shock, considering the length of the flight. No big deal for me, I have to work, and wifi is a distraction, but I was hoping to post this blog tonight (last night? Not sure what day it is where you are!) Alas, it is not meant to be.

Listening to Beethoven’s Symphony in D Minor whilst working on the AAs, very inspirational music. I was hoping to be done by now, but this stage of the process is so nitpicky. I put a comma in. I take a comma out. It’s the very last chance I have to see the book before y’all do, so I want things to be perfect. And the people next to me are looking at me funny because I’m reading it aloud – under my breath, of course, but my lips are moving.

We switched seats with a woman and I think we’ve made a love connection with her new seatmate. Wouldn’t that be a hoot? Karma, chance, whatever you call it – the two of them have hit it off and seem quite taken with each other. In Finnish. Cute.

So I’ll sign off now, and post this when we land.

Sweet dreams!