J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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Open Thread: Taking Suggestions Regarding My Bulging Office

It's that time of year. School's back in session, and despite being absent from the frivolities for many years, September always feels like the time for new beginnings. While I was on vacation, I did some planning for the year ahead, and a lot of thinking about the current state of my creative affairs, and came to a somewhat DUH conclusion - I have a great office, which I don't use because it's not set up properly. Instead, I work pretty much anywhere I can that's NOT my office.

This must change.

So here's my current dilemma. I am out of space. Every nook and cranny is crammed full. Half used notebooks and legal pads, foreign editions, multiple boxes full of old manuscripts. Notecards and birthday cards and art that hasn't been rehung since I painted. Oodles of books, but also just oodles of stuff. On the surface it sort of looks clean and organized, but it's not. It's malingering quietly out of sight. And sending off some very uncreative vibes. The child in me recognizes that like unloved toys, unloved and abandoned accoutrements are very sad. But something must be done if I'm going to move back into my space.

I hate to throw away decent things - but it's clear from the detritus that I'm not using 80% of what's in here. I know the art of decluttering - take everything out and only replace what I use. So what do I do with what's left over?

Any ideas? Places I can donate to? I'm all ears.