J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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Best Links of the Week


If you read anything this week - this is the link you want to, no, MUST read. The 'Busy' Trap  We are all so damn busy, and what are we really accomplishing? Creative energy demands playtime.

Since I have great respect for the well done femme fatale.... An Interview with Kim Krizan on Writing, Creativity and Channeling Your Inner Femme Fatale | Script Magazine

Deanna Raybourn has a great piece about book buying -  In which we're buying books - answering a question about where we authors prefer for readers to buy our books. In summation, pretty much anywhere that isn't a used store, so we can afford to eat too.

Laura Benedict has a Spooky Start to October: A Buggy Short Story, Book Prizes, and a Sparkly New Ad 

Tess Gerritsen breaks it down for you in Writing the slam-bam thriller climax  This is superb for new writers trying to figure out how to end their books with a bang.

Writer Unboxed » Learning from Old Favourites  Sometimes you just have to reread a favorite book to get your groove on, especially when you're on deadline. There's nothing more rejuvenating than diving into a comfort read.

And last, but not least - Enhanced 'Shakesperience' to help make sense of Bard  I love what they're planning - though the cost is a bit much. I took a Shakepeare course that used all of Patrick Stewart's Shakespearean roles to deconstruct the plays, and it changed the way I looked at the Bard forever. 

Have a lovely Sunday!