J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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Yes, the perfect storm has hit. Promoting a book, editing a book, and writing a book, plus all the other detritus that accumulates around me when I can't seem to say no has taken its toll. Since I'm feeling a bit underwater, I hope you'll forgive me if I take a few days off from posting. The mass of work that has crept up on me in the past few days has me completely overwhelmed, and something's gotta give. I'll be back soon though, I promise. This daily check in with myself, and of course, with you, has been a great boon to my focus. 

Because of all this, I won't be able to announce the winners of the Haunted Contest until October 7. Yes, when I get overloaded with work, so does my editor, and he and I are in this rowboat together. I hope that doesn't mess with too many plans, but I want to give all the fabulous entries their due. Hopefully by the 7th I'll have emerged from my morass, squeaky clean and ready to party.

So have a happy weekend, remember that the ebook of WHERE ALL THE DEAD LIE releases Saturday, if you're in Dickson Friday night come by Reading Rock Books from 7-9, and if someone has a life preserver, feel free to toss it toward Nashville.

OK. Off to hit another mark on the To Do List. Play nice!