J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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So close to being finished I can taste it. I've been in the same position for about six hours, I think. (creak) I want to be done so badly that I'm making myself stop, so I don't rush the end. A great work day today - I think by the time I'm done I will have added a lean 5,000 words to the book - clocking it in at just at 90,000 words. 400 pages. Perfect. That's exactly my goal for this one.

I always grow my books during revisions rather than shrink them. It's just how things have naturally played out with every manuscript I've ever written. So I always have to warn my editors beforehand - I come in short, but don't worry. It will be the right length when we're all done.

Have an interview to answer and one to give, so I'm going to keep this short so I can dive into them before dinner. I thought I'd leave you with this fascinating link to an interview Julia Stiles did about her time on Dexter. This was last season, when she played Lumen, who started as a victim, then reclaimed herself through vengeance. She's my all-time favorite character on Dexter. The 5th season's arc is a perfect example of how to grow a character.

THR: What was the most challenging aspect of playing a victim-turned-revenge killer like Lumen?

Stiles: I never think of myself as an actor who takes work home with them, but I was surprised, especially toward the end of the season -- around episode 10 -- when some of the details of what Lumen had experienced became really harrowing, and I started to realize that it was affecting me outside of work. One scene in particular, in episode 10, when the detectives have found DVDs showing what has happened to the victims -- it was really dark. It made it more difficult for me to sleep.

I am slowly conquering my nightmares, but it is nice to hear I am not alone when it comes to falling into the abyss.

Stiles' thought process is as close to my own as I've ever seen. Actually, her process mimics mine to the letter. She had to become the victim in order to play her, and of course, as a writer, you must do that as well, so you can truly allow the reader (or viewer) to experience their terror, and feel true sorrow for them.

And of course, you must be able to identify, even if it's just a tiny bit, with the killer.

Here's the link to the full interview. Enjoy.

See you tomorrow....