J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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Social Networking and Lent: My 40 Days of Silence

Hi all! Sorry I've been so remiss with the blog - the release and the tour last week and the finishing touches on Taylor #7 have gotten me way behind schedule.

But I'll have plenty of time to catch up now that Lent is starting.

Every year, I take these 40 days and exit from the social networking sphere. I usually pick one or two days a week to stop in, say hi, and see what's happening. I'm pretty sure that day will be Friday for me. Fish and Facebook Fridays.

This is really hard for me, because I love talking to all of you. But it's also always such great timing, because each year at this time, I'm coming off a tour, turning in the last bits of the October book, and starting next year's March book. My brain needs to focus on creating again, looking forward, making the new book as solid as possible.

My 40 Days of Silence, as I like to call them, gives me a chance to get my feet back under me, get a lot of work done, and allow me a bit of time to reflect. After reading William Powers book HAMLET'S BLACKBERRY over Christmas, I've been focused on taking some Internet sabbaticals, giving my brain time to settle onto one or two things instead of fifty. Lent is the perfect moment to go deeper into that concept. 

I hope you'll understand my silence, and cheer me on in my quest. Lent is about denial, giving up things that are precious to you. Yes, chocolate would be a stellar second choice, but social networking is even dearer to me. I'm replacing my SN time with a walk and Italian lessons, so I plan to return in April leaner, and more fluent, with a ton of words under my belt.

I will be updating the blog here, though, and will have my usual columns on Murderati. I wish you all the best in your Lenten endeavors, and whatever else you're setting your mind to these days.

xo, JT

P.S. - Pics from the tour will be on the site by Friday! Signed copies are available at Reading Rock Books, The Book Exchange, Square Books and Mysteries & More.

Also, a signed book is avalable in a great auction to save our libraries - see here for more info.