J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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A Change in Format

I've received a few emails about this in the past couple of days, so I wanted to address the questions for all of you.

First, my new Taylor Jackson novel, WHERE ALL THE DEAD LIE, (9.20.11) has just been listed for pre-order. I'm thrilled by this, as always. It's one of those cool moments in the publishing process, seeing it live online. The cover isn't up yet - I'll send that out privately to the newsletter list next week - suffice it to say, it's a corker! I love it - I think it's my favorite cover yet.

You'll also notice that the price for the book is higher than the previous novels. This isn't a mistake. Mira has decided to move me out of mass market and into trade paperback. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am by this move. Trade will give the books an even broader audience, allow them to be considered for book clubs and libraries that previously wouldn't be interested, and, more importantly, for those of you who hate reading small print, they'll be easier to read because they're bigger.

Trade paperbacks are traditionally around $5-6 more than mass market books. They aren't nearly as expensive as hardcovers, are easier to hold, and still fit perfectly in a purse or jacket pocket.

WHERE ALL THE DEAD LIE will sell for $14.95 officially, but as you can see, the distributors are already marking them down. Amazon has it for $10.17 today, and Barnes has it for $10.08.

Just wanted to give you a heads up, and say that I really hope you'll journey with me to the next level! Thank you for always being the best readers on earth, with the finest taste in books ; ) It's because of your support that I'm getting this major vote of confidence from my publishing house. So thank you!

By the way, I'm interviewing my dear friend River Jordan Friday on Murderati - so be sure to stop by and say hi!

xo, JT