J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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ALL THE PRETTY GIRLS Releases in the UK today!

I never thought I'd have another debut day, but here I am, celebrating the release of ALL THE PRETTY GIRLS into the UK marketplace. With its stunning new cover, excellent reviews (Henry Sutton from the Mirror used the term brilliant, and I'm still blushing) and wonderful support from places like Heffers in Cambridge, Waterstones, the BBC, SHOTS Magazine, Crime Time, The Book Bag, The Bookseller, The Catholic Herald, Selfridges, Midas PR, (especially Sophie Ransom and Alex Martin) all the amazing folks at Mira UK, (especially Kimberley Young) and my dear Dianne Moggy, who helped make this happen for me), I hope that its second bite at the first timer apple will be a charm.

Thank you to everyone who helped make this dream a reality. Cheers!

*Signed copies of ATPG are availble from Heffer's Bookshop in Cambridge and Waterstone's in Chelsea or buy ALL THE PRETTY GIRLS here!