J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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Freedom...Freedom...Freedom... FREEDOM!

In honor of finishing the 6th book in the Taylor Jackson series, SO CLOSE THE HAND OF DEATH, (3/11) I want to share a great productivity secret with you. I use a fantastic program on my Mac called Freedom. You set it and your Internet access is blocked for a pre-specified period of time. Hugely helpful for those moments when your mind drifts away from the manuscript and you tell yourself it's fine to check your mail... and twenty minutes later you're reading about Great White sharks... and your book is set in a desert!

I've talked about Freedom before, and how incredibly helpful it is to combat my Internet monkey mind. But it's only been available to Mac users, until now!

Sound the trumpets...

Freedom has a brand new Windows beta download!!!

Here's a link to the site.

I promise your productivity will bloom the moment you download this fabulous program.

I'm going to go drink champagne and collapse now...