J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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AOL Opinion: Nashville Flood - Where is President Obama?

Many of you are well aware of the fact that my adopted hometown of Nashville has been devastated by a flood of biblical proportions. I've been tweeting it, blogging it, Facebooking it. But that wasn't enough. I wanted to get the real story out into the world, and my friend Ivory Madison, who runs the awesome site for authors Red Room, offered me a great opportunity. Write it up, and she'd pass it along to a friend she knew.

Well, that friend was the op-ed editor for AOL News. And between the two of them, the opinion piece I've written is up and running on AOL today. I can't thank them both enough for the opportunity to share what's really happening here in Nashville. Despite over $1.5 billion in damage, the President of the United States didn't bother to visit the affected areas. That's virtually unheard of - disasters are, sadly, Presidential bread and butter.

But it's more than that. The spirit of love in Nashville is alive and well. We didn't wait, we all pitched in immediately. We took care of our own. You know why? We Are Nashville. It's become our rallying cry. It is the truth - this is how we do things in the south.

Enjoy the piece, and think about donating if you can. Even five bucks makes a difference. Here's a link to a great list of local charities.