J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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Quick Update, The Remodel Edition

Things have been completely insane in the Ellison household. It's always crazy in the few weeks leading up to a book launch, and I apparently forgot that when I agreed to do a small remodel, turning a dank storage closet into a light and airy office for the Thrillerdude.

East Wall After

West Wall After

We've given away half of our belongings (only a slight exaggeration - after nearly 18 years, we've accumulated quite a bit of Stuff) cut two beautiful skylights into the roof, moved a wall, and now the bonus room is being restructured and painted. It's going to be stunning.

View from Skylight #1

THE COLD ROOM releases in a mere 26 days. Click here to see the tour dates - this is almost entirely finalized - we're adding one day March 17 in Washington, D.C. Otherwise, I think this is quite enough, don't you?

I just turned in THE IMMORTALS for its journey to copyedit. There's nothing quite as lovely as knowing a book is substantially finished. Now I need to refocus my brain to THE PRETENDER. I'm using a great software called Scrivener for this book, and it's changing the way I look at my stories.

A quick plug for a friend: Alexandra Sokoloff has a great new e-book available called SCREENWRITING TRICKS FOR AUTHORS. I highly recommend giving this a looksee.

Watch this space - there are more cool giveaways to come shortly!

I leave you with this thought.

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

~Ferris Beuller