J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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I broke my thumb at boucher-Contest!!

As many of you know, I thought I might have broken my thumb while goofing around at Bouchercon. A month later, I finally went to the doctor, and the verdict? Yes. I've broken my opposable thumb. Sadly, on my dominant hand, too.

So, since I am an idiot, I figured y'all should benefit from my lunacy. Hence, the "I Broke My Thumb At Boucher-Contest"!

I will choose two winners at random* who will receive an advance copy of THE COLD ROOM. Not an ARC, mind you, but a real, live, signed book, prior to the February release.


All you have to do is virtually sign my cast (which is actually a spiffy, fashion forward hard splint - see above) by leaving a comment here. Don't worry about sympathy, I'm well past deserving that. Just leave a note saying you want to read THE COLD ROOM, and I'll enter you in the contest.

Entries can be left through December 1. Thanks for playing!

*Random means names will be put into a hat and drawn by the wonder husband, who, lucky man, has two working thumbs.