J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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Why I write

(From the Tennessee Writers Alliance Newsletter, Summer '09)

I’m constantly inspired by reading the great works of art my fellow crime novelists contribute to the genre. The level of sophistication, the new treatment of stories, the hero’s mythic quest - all are influences and daily reminders to strive to keep the level of my own writing to their standards.

I write because I want to tell a story, to entertain my readers, plain and simple. But on some level, this is an opportunity for me to right the proverbial wrongs, to allow my characters to see justice, to see their tormentor punished. There are so many victims whose stories are never told, whose murderers are never caught. In writing psychological thrillers, I can acknowledge them, solve their cases, allow their families to heal. I like to find the end of the story, give a resolution, and ultimately, redemption.