J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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Romance Reviews Today Reviews 14

Nashville, Tennessee and Quantico, Virginia - Present Day

Once upon a time a queen wished for a child as white as snow, with lips as red as blood and hair as black as ebony. Her wish was granted in little Snow White.

Many years later, another wished to see that vision come to pass. His canvas was the city of Nashville, and his brush was a sharp knife. The Snow White killer terrorized the city during the mid-1980’s only to retire from the scene after committing ten murders, saying his work was finished.

But now the killing has started again, and the citizens of Nashville are wondering why the dark fairytale has come back to life. Homicide Lieutenant Taylor Jackson has a theory; this Snow White killer may really be just another copycat, though admittedly, a far superior version to the “normal” ones. It’s almost as if his hand is being guided by the original. A monster (or monsters) is loose in Nashville, and it’s Taylor’s job to catch him. With the help of her fiancé, John Baldwin (a forensic psychiatrist who works with the FBI), her crack investigative team, and some of the men involved in the original Snow White case, she just may do it. But, how many women will die until then?

14 features a woman who exhibits many traits today’s woman can appreciate (though the ability to handle all the blood and horror may not be a trait they’d all share). Taylor is brave, stubborn, and a dedicated cop. She’s also determined to catch Snow White, a task many women would shun. However, that doesn’t mean there’s nothing she fears. For instance, her big white wedding to John that’s supposed to happen in five short days. Taylor’s thinking maybe it should be put off. Her love for John (and his for her) seems real enough, but this cop just may not be ready. And, really, who can blame her for wanting to concentrate on Snow White? After all, fourteen are already dead, and more women are certain to die. Can Snow White be brought to justice, or is this fairy tale destined to have an unhappy ending?

The list of secondary characters who help bring 14 to life is long and varied. Taylor’s fiancé, John, is certainly important, and his expertise, as well as his contacts in the FBI, is certain to come in handy during the hunt. Dr. Charlotte Douglas, a profiler for the FBI, may also be a help; then again, as John’s former lover, she may be more of a hindrance than anything else. Frank Richardson is a reporter who covered the Snow White case extensively in the ‘80’s, and his help will be invaluable. Martin Kimball, retired homicide detective, was in charge of the original case; he too is eager to assist in any way he can. Lincoln Ross (computer guru), Peter “Fitz” Fitzgerald (Taylor’s second in command), and Marcus Wade complete Taylor’s team. Dr. Samantha Loughley is a medical examiner in Nashville as well as Taylor’s best friend. Together, all of these people, along with many I can’t mention here, will help Taylor bring Nashville to living, breathing, life.

Though this is the second Taylor Jackson novel (ALL THE PRETTY GIRLS came out in November 2007), the author has created a story that stands completely on its own. Thrills and chills, unexpected twists and turns, and enough scary bits to keep you awake long into the night make 14 a sure-fire winner. Don’t miss it.

Lori Ann

Romance Reviews Today