J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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New Beginnings

Thank you so much for joining me here at JTEllison.com. Design credit goes to my amazingly talented husband, Randy Ellison, a man of great patience and vision.

I'll be using this spot to update my status, give reports on tours, reviews, and any other news that comes available.

Just a note: I started the blog "The Tao fo JT" the day I received the first major rejection on my very first manuscript, back at the end of 2004. I was planning to use it to document my journey to publication. It didn't work out that way -- Murderati took over as my main blog. Instead of deleting and starting fresh, I decided to keep the four short entries that I did make. If you're a new writer, read from the beginning. It won't take you long. Read it, and remember to keep the faith. We've all had speedbumps on our journey. Perserverence is the key to getting published. Don't give up.

Wishing you all the best,