J.T. Ellison, New York Times Bestselling Author

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11.26.15 - On Giving Thanks

Last year I did a thanksgiving list, all the things I’m grateful for. I enjoyed it so much I thought I’d do it again this year. I have been showered with blessings from all quarters this year, so it’s time to let those quarters, animate and inanimate, know how much I appreciate their generosity.

In no particular order:

  • Videos for cats on You Tube (hours of enjoyment, trust me)
  • Jameson and Jordan
  • Randy
  • My lovely parents
  • Brothers
  • That my tough as nails mom made it through another joint replacement surgery (and is doing very well)
  • My groomers: Brittany, Angie, and Mai
  • My Big Mac (I bought myself a 27”iMac - which means I FINALLY have a desktop computer. It’s only been ten years.)
  • EOS coconut lip balm
  • My Camelback Groove Water Filter which stops me getting sick on the road from the weird water
  • Water in general
  • Tea. All the tea. Especially hot, sweet Earl Gray.
  • Stevia in the Raw
  • Starbucks for stocking coconut milk, finally
  • The strange and mystical writing gift God’s given me
  • Reclaimed wood walls and stone fireplaces
  • Dark and Stormy’s
  • My incredible publishing teams at Gallery, Mira, and Putnam
  • Men named Miller.  
  • Amy. Oh, my God, people, am I thankful for Amy. 
  • Scrivener
  • My body, which is so strong and resilient and keeps me moving (and finally decided it wanted to join a gym…)
  • Cybex Leg press.
  • Trees
  • Kindle and Nook, for saving me room for boots when I travel
  • My Manduka yoga mats
  • Kitty sized patches of sunlight
  • Beach walks
  • River walks
  • Lake walks
  • Walking in general
  • My writer friends
  • Queso dates
  • Text messages with awesome autocorrect errors
  • Nashville Public Television #keepreading
  • Linda, Matt, and Will
  • John Seigenthaler, who in 2007 taught me how to ignore the camera, a skill I’ve been using a bit lately
  • Nashville. Gosh you’ve been good to us.
  • Adele
  • Husbands who make perfect pots of tea
  • BFFs who make me laugh and laugh and laugh
  • The people who only come around when they want something — they make me appreciate my real friends even more.
  • Wine
  • Champagne
  • Nicholas Drummond
  • Independent publishing
  • Sidewalk cafes in Paris
  • Glasses. Chicks look cute in glasses
  • Organizational OCD (Read this. Really. It’s hysterical)
  • Honest contractors
  • Grief, melancholy, and the feels
  • Tweetbot and Buffer
  • Queso dates with the girls
  • Bookstores
  • My Hobonichi Techno and Space 24 and Quo Vadis Daily Log
  • Day One!
  • Amazon rankings (oh, come on, you look at them too)
  • Football
  • The (surprising) realization that my process is my process, my style is my style, and I can’t change it to meet expectations of me. Ever.
  • Our military, who keep us safe and allow us to have a peaceful Thanksgiving, putting themselves on the front lines so we can have freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and all the rights we Americans enjoy, and our allies around the world. Bless you, bless your families, and bless our great country.

What about you? What’s your irreverent or reverent list of gratitudes today?